Pik pester sjenica
Pik pester sjenica

pik pester sjenica

Florogenetic characteristics result from postglacial relic Scilla autumnalis. hungaricum and subendemic species in the Pannonian Plain Achillea asplenifolia, Puccinellia limosa and Roripa kerneri. Plant geographic characteristics result from one endemic species of the Pannonian Plain Statice gmelini subsp. Ecological characteristics result from 55 halophyte taxa with the ecological index S+. Of the 205 taxa, 191 taxa (177 species, six subspecies, three varieties and five forms) were listed on account of their distinctive floristic characteristics. Floristic characteristics result from 205 taxa. Specific features of the plant cover of the natural pastures located in the vicinity of the town of Novi Kneževac (the Vojvodina Province, Serbia) result from their floristic, ecological, plant geographic, florogenetic and phytocoenological characteristics. Data about annual reproductive cycle of farming bivalves are of great importance to farmers, because based on those data, as well as data about condition index, farmers can determine the best time for bivalves harvesting. Obtained results indicate on continuous gamete activity during the year in Mediterranean mussel, and that the most intense spawning appeared during January, February, March and April. The highest mean oocytes diameter was during November and December 2015 (66.31☑3.08 µm 66.58☑2.09 µm, respectively).

pik pester sjenica

The highest number of oocytes were measured during November 2015 (1305 oocytes), while the lowest number were measured during June 2015 (30 oocytes). Oocytes diameter ranged from minimal 13.8 µm during March 2015 up to maximal value 132.63 µm during December 2015. Quantitative analysis (oocytes number and diameter) was in accordance with qualitative analysis. MGI showed minimal value in August 2015, while maximum values were during October, November and December 2015, when the highest number of individuals were ripe. The most intense spawning appeared during winter and spring. Gametogenic activity can be described as continuous, while during August 2015 inactive period appeared, when more than 50% of investigated individuals were in resting stage. Gonad development stage, mean gonad index (MGI) and oocytes morphometry were analyzed on total 180 individuals, as well as sex ration on total 1260 individuals. Reproductive cycle of this species is monitored between February 2015 and January 2016 on two farms in Boka Kotorska Bay. The main goal of this study was to investigate annual reproductive cycle of Mediterranean mussel by quantitative and qualitative analysis. Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819) is one of the most important aquaculture species in Boka Kotorska Bay, as well as in the Adriatic Sea. This cooperation is essential especially in organizing the production of virus-free propagation material, during the introduction of new cultivars and for preserving autochthonous varieties in the vineyards of BiH. Therefore, there is a need for better cooperation of professional, scientific and government institutions with grapevine growers and wineries in order to modernize production process, with the ultimate aim of achieving a better quality of grapes and grape products. Although BiH has a good potential and excellent conditions for viticulture, wine imports are almost five times higher than exports. Quality planting material is an important prerequisite for the success of grape production. In older plantations there are mainly autochthonous cultivars while in new vineyards there is a modern cultivar assortment. Selection of appropriate grape varieties is crucial in modern viticulture. One of the main problems is also the lack of vineyard cadastre.

#Pik pester sjenica full

Viticulture in BiH is characterized by the dominance of small family owned vineyards (up to 2 ha) and the sector still faces many problems hampering its full development. The vineyards area in BiH has increased in recent years. BiH has good soil and climate conditions for grape growing and the country has a large number of native varieties. A number of secondary data sources have been consulted. Research is based on an extensive literature review. This paper presents the state-of-the-art of viticulture development in BiH. The structure of viticulture and the wine sector in BiH has profoundly changed in the post-civil war period. Viticulture is an important branch of agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

Pik pester sjenica